Monday, June 1, 2015

Semana 47 - Mayo/Junio 2015

Semana 47
Mayo - Junio 2015
Taco Count for the Week:  10
Total Taco Count:  514.50

Well I have officailly passed my year mark!! WHAAAAT?!
We had our own little celebration in our house =) 
A family took us out to eat to a really cool Chinese restaurant too! 
It was sooo good=)
I am still in denial but accepting it little by little=)

Today we went to the zoo for the last time as a district... =(
Transfers are bitter-sweet.
Our district is awesome=)

It is to the point where it gets REALLY hot!
Saturday night the power went out... the power came back on and the air conditioning turned on at 6:29am.
We had a whole minute to enjoy it=)
The next night it rained...
Summer time means storm time here!
It is forcasted that we are going to have 16 hurricanes this summer... =)
But, when it started to rain it was like someone was dumping 
buckets on the house.
It came from nowhere!!
It lasted about two minutes and stopped as fast as it started.
But then the humidity bumped up which means the heat did too.

In other news I wanted to share a special experience we had with a part member family this week=)
The father (reactivated) and two kids (recent converts) are all members! 
But, the wife still isn´t baptized.
We were praying to know what we needed to share with them... we felt strongly to talk to them about tithing.
We got to their house and ended up having a lesson only with the parents.
He got talking to us about everything that is happening in his work and how stressed out he is!
We smiled and told him that we had the perfect lesson planned and exactly what he needed=)
He told us that he hasn´t been paying his tithing.
We explained the importance of this grand commandment...
By the end I could tell he was really beat up.
He put his head in his hands and started to cry, he looked up and said
"Hermana, you don´t understand. How can the Lord expect me to pay my tithing when it would mean that my family won´t eat during the week."

He recieves about 120 dollars.
100 of which goes to the rent.
He would then need to pay 12 dollars in tithing.
leaving him with a grand total of 8 dollars to provide food for his family of 4 for the entire week.

He looked at me tears running down his face asking how God could ask him to leave his family without food.
The spirit was SO strong and I told him if it were my decision that I wouldn´t make him pay it, but it´s not my decision.
That this was comng from the Lord.
He promised that the following sunday he would pay his tithing!
He was also planning on buying a big bag of rice and beans for the week and invited us to dinner tomorrow=)

Sunday came and they still weren´t there.
About half way through I felt a little tap on my shoulder turned around to see his wife asking me to step outside with her for a little bit.
We got there and she pulled a tithing slip out of her purse and explained that her husband had to work again but that he had promised to pay so he was going to pay.  She asked me to teach her how to fill out the tithing slip.
As we were writing everything down the spirit was so strong. I couldn´t do it without crying.

It was such a humbling experience to see someone so willing to follow the commandments of the Lord.
He just needed the invitation.
This family is amazing=)
I know God will bless them beyond their imaginations!

Well it´s that time again=)

Love and Prayers!
Hermana Robinson

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