Taco Count for the Week: 15
Total Taco Count: 113
Why was this week so great??
My first baptism!!!=)
I honestly can`t even describe the joy that this brings to me!
All day Saturday I was super anxious to get to the chapel for the baptism!
Friday night we were cleaning the baptismal font and I got butterflies just thinking about the next day!=)
BUT after so much anticipation the moment finally came!
We got to the chapel early to set up and fill the font with water... and after IIIII (emphasis on the I), cleared the nest of scorpions from the drain in the font....
Everything went smoothly=)
She and her daughter got there early and helped us set up... but it made me feel so good because there were SOOO many members that came to support her=)
The room was packed full of people!
We sang her favorite hymn and one of the member accompanied us on the violin. Ugh, it was so great!
After the baptism her daughter pulled me aside and said
"Quiero bautizarme el próximo sábado!"
My heart dropped!!!
I looked at her and said "Well there is still water in the font... LET`S GO!!"
I wish.
There is still a lot that we have to work on with her and one commandment in particular that poses a few problems... but one thing that I have learned, when someone truly has a desire to change for the better and has felt the spirit in their life, God will work miracles for them=)
Every part of the service was absolutely beautiful but my particular favorite moment was as we were leaving.
The picture doesn`t quite do it justice. But it`s the memory that counts=)
The picture doesn`t quite do it justice. But it`s the memory that counts=)
When she walked out of the chapel the sky was glowing and there was a giant rainbow
that went right over the chapel!
that went right over the chapel!
She ran out with her arms open wide and spun around for a little while... she slowly came to a stop and
looked up to the heavens and had a little moment to herself. Everyone watched smiling and laughing!
Then, slowly a silence came over all of us.
looked up to the heavens and had a little moment to herself. Everyone watched smiling and laughing!
Then, slowly a silence came over all of us.
I`ll never forget the spirit I felt in this moment.
As some of you already know... and I have received a few emails making sure I am okay...
But it`s HURRICANE SEASON!! Wahoo=)
It hit the hardest on Thursday. It rained ALL Wednesday night and into the morning.
We had splits on Wednesday so when we went to meet with the other sisters to return to our own
areas the streets were rivers!
areas the streets were rivers!
I thought it was great!! I was running around playing in the water almost up to my knees...
I told my comp that I was just going to change when I got home!
She was trying to avoid walking in the water and took longer routes and the whole time had a grossed out look on her face!
We got to one street where everything was water!!
I looked at her in excitement and said "QUE PADRE!!!"
She turned to me and explained that it was NOT padre!! And the reason that she was so grossed out was because the majority of the water was water from the sewer...
I froze in place and just looked at my feet.
After this I started walking like my companion.
The rest of the day the rain was off and on...
The weather was PHSYCO!!
Total sunshine one minute then downpour the next!
There was one moment we were walking down a big open street with nowhere to take
cover... It started to drizzle just a little then stopped!!
cover... It started to drizzle just a little then stopped!!
Both of us knew what was coming next so we scrambled for our umbrellas... to TRYYY and
prepare ourselves for what was going to happen...
prepare ourselves for what was going to happen...
10 seconds later and I felt there was someone above me just dumping buckets on me!!!
The wind picked up like crazy and there was rain hitting me from every direction!!
I sacrificed my umbrella to protect my backpack and my scriptures from getting wet... So
after 2 minutes I was completely DRENCHED!!!
after 2 minutes I was completely DRENCHED!!!
It was really cool to watch the street go from being completely dry and empty to a complete river!!
I wish I could have taken a picture!
I wish I could have taken a picture!
I was giddy the whole day!!
I absolutely LOVE the rain=)
The next day President called and told us we couldn`t leave the house=(
Ughhh... I am already running out of time!
Gotta run.
But thank you all for your support and prayers=) It`s what keeps me going=)
Until next week...
Siempre Amor,
Hermana Robinson
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