Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Semana 38 - Marcha 2015

Semana 38 - Marcha 2015
Taco Count for the Week:  8
Total Taco Count:  422.50

Well I am happy to inform you all the the heat of Culiacan 
has officially returned!!
There was one day that completely changed and you could totally feel it!
Everyone talks about the heat here. 
But it really is something else to live it... and spend all day in it!

This week we tried something new, we spent a lot of time searching for
 former investigators and future investigators.
One morning we spent HOURS walking up and down every 
street in probably the hottest hours of the day. 
(We didn´t think that one out very well) 

After we finally had the opportunity to sit down our legs were 
throbbing and we were dripping with sweat.  Haha.  
We felt super sad that nothing came out of it! 
But we renewed our excited to keep going and see what comes=)

We had a lesson this week that was one I will remember for a while! 
We contacted a family and they invited us in to share our message!
We began the lesson and everything was going so smoothly. 
They were both so excited that we were answering their questions!
They have been assisting another church for 
about 4 years and were sharing a lot of their beliefs too.
It was SUCH a good lesson=)

Next thing we know two other sisters from another religion came by 
to share a message as well.
My comp and I just smiled at each other because we knew what 
was about to come=)

I am so grateful for the guidance of the spirit in moments like this!
We were given the correct scriptures in the correct moment and were 
able to speak clearly and powerfully.
The family that we were teaching was so interested in every word 
we were saying and although we were cut off many times, 
you could see the spirit testifying to them of the simple truths 
that were spoken in the lesson.

It was really cool=)

We had the baptism of little Fernanda!

She is the daughter of a family that is reactivating to the church!
The day of the baptism was SO crazy stressful!
I remember sitting there and thinking to myself
"Shouldn´t baptisms be filled with the spirit? A happy moment were everyone can feel at peace? Then why do I feel like this?"

I got a glance at the family and observed how each and everyone one of them was at peace and were able to feel the spirit.
They were happy that they could all be there together as a family to enjoy this moment with their daughter and sister.

The thought came to my mind.
"You´re paying the price so they can be happy."

I immediately thought of my Savior and all that he has taken upon him so that we can be happy.
I love that we are able to remember Him during this time of year=)

I know He Lives and loves us!

I am so grateful for a prophet who guides us today, 
and hope you all have the opportunity to enjoy conference this weekend. 
I encourage you to invite someone to watch a session with you 
in your home, 
who might not have ever had the opportunity to hear about it before.
If that is the desire of your heart, I promise the Lord will 
provide a way for you to invite someone! (1 Ne 3:7) 
Then let me know how it went! I would really enjoy to hear any miracles that come from this, even if they say no. =)

With all my love,
Hermana Robinson

Friday, March 27, 2015

Semana 37 - Marcha 2015

Semana 37 - Marcha 2015
Taco Count:  11
Total Taco Count:  414.50

Well we pretty much killed it this week=)
Hermana Christensen is determined to finish her mission in peace,
So we are doing everything in our power to make that possible!!
We started the week with a lot of excitement=)

In the blog post last week I mentioned the two baptisms we 
had planned for Saturday!
We figured that we would work our butts off all week and then finish 
the week with two baptisms=)
We found lots of new people!
Completed with almost all of our goals=)
Had the baptismal interviews and everything was looking good=)

Our investigator didn't smoke at all during the week!!!

But, we got a call from our zone leaders Thursday night.
They were concerned about his addiction to tobacco!
They asked a lot of questions and we talked for awhile about everything.
One of the Elders did an exercise with us that really got us thinking.
We hung up and immediately were on our knees praying.
After praying as companions and personally as well as lots of discussion...
We decided it would be better to wait another month for his baptism.

The elders in the ward are also going to be teaching him from here on out.
It was a pretty tough decision to make but I know it will be best for him!

We were a little bit down about this but still looking forward to the other baptism!=)

We got everything ready Saturday morning!
Then got a call from her mom telling us that the her dad (Who was going to baptize her) was called to work in Aguascalientes.
The whole family decided to go!!
Just like that, the other baptism fell through!

We were waiting in the chapel later in the afternoon to have splits 
with the ward missionaries,
We were both super bummed=(

All the excitement that we had all week was immediately crushed.
I hate to admit it.

Going and working with the ward missionaries really helped though=)

Sunday my companion gave a talk and it was reeeeally good!!
The spirit was really strong during the Sacrament Meeting=)
I was really glad that our investigators were able to go and feel the spirit!

Working in the afternoon was rough again!
The sun is blazing hot again... It almost scares me to be back in summer.
We walked a TON with no luck anywhere!

We finally ended up with a contact from a few weeks ago!

It was the GREATEST lesson=)=)
We taught the first lesson... She was so excited to listen and 
to hear what happened!
We had planned to only teach a little bit, but ended up teaching the 
entire lesson!

The spirit was so strong the whole time!
Normally her little kids are running around and her husband comes 
and goes with friends,
but while we were teaching about Joseph Smith there was 
complete silence 
and the spirit was present the whole time!!
She kept asking us...
"Then what did Jospeh do?! What was the answer?! How did he know?!"

We taught the first vision and you could literally see everything 
change inside of her!!
We began the invitation to be baptized but before we could even mention anything about baptism she said
"So baptism... How do you do it?"
I was trying to contain the excitement that was bursting inside of me!

She has her baptismal date for April 24th=)

I feel like it has been a while since I have a first lesson like that!
We left the lesson like smiling fools!!

We have another appointment with her right after I leave the cyber=)

I love you all...this gospel is TRUE!

Con Amor,

Hermana Robinson

Monday, March 16, 2015

Semana 36 - Marcha 2015

Semana 36 - Marcha 2015
Taco Count for the Week:  13.5
Total Taco Count: 403.5

Today has just been the greatest day!!!
All week long it has been stormy and rainy then SUPER hot, 
then cold and windy.
The weather can´t make up it´s mind.
But this morning it was PERFECT!! =)
I was a little grumpy but then we ate and I felt better and was super happy=)

Plus, I found out that Hermana Christensen and I are going to have 
another transfer together!!!
We screamed, and jumped around, and hugged each other... like girls do=)

Today I said goodbye to Hermana Ruiz=(
She has finished her mission and is headed home...
It was hard to say goodbye.
I am really sad but at the same time super happy for her!!

Our Zone Leader also finished his mission this week!
We had our ceremonial "burial" with cake and farewells!

I have learned a lot this week! And it was a good week for 
motivation in the right direction!

We have two baptisms this week=) One is of a little girl from a family that we reactivated and the other is an investigator that we have been working with almost since when I first got here in November!

The little girl is just the cutest thing I have ever seen and when we ask her about baptism she always says
"I want to be baptized and follow Jesus Christ to be pure and clean!"
but she has the softest littlest voice that melts your heart everytime you talk to her=)
She is super prepared and her family is really excited about it too!

The other has been a battle for months!
If you want the whole story you will have to ask me one day! It´s a good one!
We had a lesson with him on Sunday that was actually really good!!=)
I am excited to see everything fold out this week=)

We also had Stake conference this week here.
Saturday was my favorite!!
for the first hour and half we talked purely about MISSIONARY WORK!!!
my comp turned to me and asked me why we don´t have as many talks about missionary work in Utah. Haha!
It was so special=)
It was the kick of motivation I needed!
I love leaving conferences and being so enthusiastic to contact to the world!!

Hermana Christensen and I are going to have the greatest transfer in the whole entire world!!

I just want to testify that I know this church is true, I have the opportunity to see evidence of it EVERY SINGLE DAY!!!
Being a missionary has it´s own basket of surprses=)
But it is the most incredible thing I have even been a part of=)

I love you all and thank you for the support I feel!
It´s what keeps me going!

con todo mi amor,
Hermana Robinson

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Semana 35 - Marcha 2015

Semana 35 - Marcha 2015
Taco Count for the Week:  14
Total Taco Count:  390

Well this week things were back to normal!!
It was sad because the baptism that we had planned has been postponed a few months=(
They went to get married and found out that he needs to get divorced first!
She was really upset. But it was good to see that she quickly became positive about it and accepted that she had to wait!

We have transfers this coming week... rumor is that nothing is going to change.
but you never know.
I have to tell you how much I love H. Christensen! She is super special=)
If we get to be companions another transfer, it means I will be her last companion!
This Monday H. Ruiz will finish her mission=(
It´s really weird to think about her going home! Goodbyes are the worst!

We have been working with a lot of families lately...
That is a miracle by itself!
They are the most spiritual lessons but at the same time, 
the second we start teaching them Satan feels like it is 
the perfect opportunity to invade their lives. 
Super frustrating. hahaha
Keep us in your prayers!

This week one of our investigators asked us if we could teach him in English.
Without thinking I told him yes!
I was hysterical! Neither of us can speak English anymore!
For the first time in a long time I was super nervous in the lesson!

It was actually a really spiritual experience and we both left smiling=)
But it was definitely the most difficult thing I did all week long!

This picture is a picture of my favorite little girl in the whole world!!! she is my best friend!
She makes me laugh until I cry. =)

I gotta run=)
But I love you all!!

Hermana Robinson

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Semana 34 - Febrero/Marcha 2015

Semana 34 - Febrero Marcha 2015
Taco Count for the Week:  8
Total Taco Count:  376

Well it happened... I am officially on the down hill slope of my mission.
Let me just take a deep breath!

It feels completely surreal. Everyone tells me,
"Just get ready for the time to flyyyyyy by."

I already feel like time is going by too fast! I don´t know what 
I am going to do if it starts going even faster!

I had a little moment to myself the morning of the 28th.
I dedicated some time in my personal study to read about missionary work=)
I reflected on all the miracles that I have experienced, 
all the people I have met, 
and the joy I have had in the past 9 months.
I started thinking about all the possibilities of what is to come in the future.
I was filled with the spirit as I thought about how much I love the mission=)

It was small and simple but a moment I will always remember.

When I went to my desk in the morning my cute comp had decorated for me=)

She´s just the best=)

This day was interesting, we felt like we were running around like chickens with our heads cut off.
Actually, the whole week felt like that.

There was a problem with the government and it ended out effecting a lot of things this week.
We made various trips to the offices to help the other Hermanas that were here for their Visa but then weren´t able to do anything and had to stay here.
BUT... you know what that means...

One of our investigators was planning to get married to be able to be baptized on Saturday.
But, with the system down we were hopeless.

We decided to continue with the Baptism of her daughter=)

It was such a special day=)
She has been prepared for a long time and when the day finally arrived you could see it! She was so happy=)

We have the wedding this week and we will have her baptism this Saturday!

There are a lot of people in my mission that are really special to me! But I can honestly say that these two have a special slice of my heart.
It honestly hurts knowing that I won´t be able to be so close to them forever. 

Side note:
I don't know if you have ever tried to warm the water in a baptism font...
It´s not as easy as you might think!

I have a picture I want to share =)
It makes me laugh.
One day we were looking for former investigators.  We got there and about 5 minutes after the girl we were looking for came home.
She had just gotten back from the store and had a bunch of materials.
She looked us deep in our eyes and asked us if we could do a 
HUGE favor for her!
As the two little missionaries that we are we perked up for the 
opportunity to serve!!
She explained that she lost her job and has found a new job.
But she needed models to practice on! Hahaha
Different kind of service but when we told her "Sí"
She jumped up and down with joy!!

She asked me if I wanted day makeup or night make up...
ummm...day please.

It turned out really well! I don´t look like me! But she did a really good job=)

My companion went after me and I got talking to one of her friends and when I looked over to my comp in the chair I about lost it!!

This was the finished project:

Hermana Christensen got the night look. =)

We also went to ride bikes today=)
We got the double bike!!

Time is short for this week.  I love you all!  The Gospel is true...
share it!

con amor,

Hermana Robinson